Monday, March 17, 2014

Never Too Young for Dinosaurs

Kevin Coolidge

I loved dinosaurs. They were big, scary, and dead. I was safe. The only place I would see one is my imagination. A dinosaur always did what he wanted. No one tells an allosaurus when to go to bed, or to finish his vegetables. Being a dinosaur would be really, really cool.

My nephew agrees. He’s a tiny tyrannosaur. He sleeps, eats, and breathes as a dinosaur. I knew that when the time came for potty training, he would appreciate Dinosaur vs. the Potty by Bob Shea and my sister would appreciate Potty Training for Dummies by Diane Stafford & Jennifer Shoquist, M.D.

Thunder lizards grow up so fast. I’ll miss him gnawing on my leg and chasing the cat into the jungle, but what I won’t miss is changing a diaper. Still, it’s important to be patient. It doesn’t pay to be in a hurry. The best time to start your velociraptor* is when he’s ready.

Some dinos are ready to start as young as 18 months, others may not be ready until past their third birthday. Boys tend to stay in diapers longer than girls, and those born in later litters often learn faster than those first hatched.

There’s no rush. Studies have shown that when parents begin potty training too soon, the process takes longer. It’s going to take cooperation and motivation from your ‘saurus. So, before you start, you’ll want to look for signs that he might not be ready to climb onto the potty chair.

He might show no interest or resist. Don’t worry about getting a head start. Before you begin you want to be sure his routine is firmly established and that he’s ready.

He should be coordinated enough to walk, and have “dry” periods of around two hours. This shows that his bladder muscles are developed enough to hold the flow of urine. He should be able to pull his pants up or down and show signs of growing independence.

He may develop interest in your bathroom habits, and in wearing underwear. This is the part that I do best as an uncle and I suggest reading him My Big Boy Undies by Karen Katz. There are several aspects of training—such as establishing a schedule, and celebrating his successes, but don’t forget how motivating fun can be.

You can use blue food coloring and he will be amazed how he can turn the water green. You can use stickers and a calendar to keep track of his triumphs. Every time he goes to the potty, he gets a sticker. Watching them add up can inspire him. I suggest dinosaur stickers, of course.

Potty training a child with a disability can increase the challenge, but there a special chapter in Potty Training for Dummies that will ease your tough assignment. There are also suggestions to keep potty training working, and how to handle a lack of interest.

By the time your little dinosaur is ready to ditch his diaper, he’s learned a lot. Let him take pride in his achievement and celebrate by crashing through the jungle, because you’re never too old for dinosaurs…

*means speedy thief, a Cretaceous predator about the size of a chicken--a large, smart chicken with lots of sharp teeth.

Don’t mess with T Rex? Or Stick with Stegosaurus? Email me at and let me know. Miss a past column? Don’t be sore, you can get more dino at Don’t let the written word go extinct. Feed a writer, and buy a book.

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