Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Huck & Finn Bookstore Cats Going For Number One!

You may have already read that our bookstore From My Shelf Books & Gifts has been nominated for the Indie Awards sponsored by independentwestand.org. Only ten businesses will make the next round and we can't do it without your votes.

Voting to advance us, Huck & Finn, to round three is ongoing now! You can vote once a day per IP address, that means some of you can vote from home, from work, AND when you are buying cat treats. Voting continues until December 11th. Then the top ten businesses will proceed to Round 3. Those businesses should have cats. You cat make that happen.

Your votes helped get us to the top ten last year, but we lost to a bigger business who didn't have a cat, or even a dog.

Your vote can make that happen for From My Shelf Books. You can go to our Facebook page where we will have a link pinned to the top to make voting easier. If you haven't already liked our Facebook page, please do. We have lots of great cartoons, word play, and geek culture.

If you don't do the Facebook thing, you can still vote by visiting www.IndieBizAward.com

Thanks so much for helping us get this far.

Huck & Finn, Bookstore Cats at From My Shelf Books & Gifts


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