Friday, May 5, 2017

The Totally Ninja Raccoons and the Secret of Nessmuk Lake Is Available for Pre-order

The Totally Ninja Raccoons and the Secret of Nessmuk will be officially released May 9th and is available for pre-order now, for just $6.99. This is the 6th adventure of the Totally Ninja Raccoons and has the Loch Ness Monsters, a new member of the Cat Board (a Scottish Fold), and a unicorn!

In The Totally Ninja Raccoons and The Secret of Nessmuk Lake, the Ninja Raccoons continue their ninja training, learn to respect privacy, and meet a creature of Scottish legend, The Loch Ness Monster!

The Cat Board plots against the Ninja Raccons as the Raccoons explore the depths of Lake Nessmuk. Will the Raccoons learn the secret? Will the Cat Board triumph? Will Rascal finally learn to swim?

There are more things in heaven and earth than these three brothers ever dreamed. Cats are trying to take over the world; monsters are real; and Chinese food really will make you hungry soon after you eat it. It's up to the Ninja Raccoons to do something about it.

Has your child tried a Totally Ninja Raccoon adventure yet? With five currently to chose from, they are sure to find one they enjoy. I've been getting feedback that children are reading each one several times, the true litmus test of an enjoyable book.

You can get the Totally Ninja Raccoons at From My Shelf Books & Gifts, or wherever books are sold. Come to the bookstore to meet the author, and get signed, personalized copies.

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