Monday, October 26, 2015

The Princess Bride and Philosophy: Inconceivable!

"The Princess Bride" is the 1987 satirical adventure movie that had to wait for the Internet and DVDs to become the most quoted of all cult classics. "The Princess Bride and Philosophy" is for all those who have wondered about the true meaning of Inconceivable , why the name Roberts uniquely inspires fear, and whether it's a miracle to restore life to someone who is dead, but not completely dead.
"The Princess Bride" is filled with beliefs that go beyond the evidence, and philosophy can help us to decide when such beliefs can be justified.
Westley, Buttercup, Prince Humperdinck, Inigo Montoya, the giant Fezzik, and the Sicilian Vizzini keep on reappearing in these pages as examples of philosophical ideas. Is it right for Montoya to kill the six-fingered man, even though there is no money in the revenge business? What's the best way to deceive someone who knows you re trying to deceive him? Are good manners a kind of moral virtue? Could the actions of the masked man in black truly be inconceivable even though real? What does ethics have to say about Miracle Max's pricing policy? How many shades of meaning can be conveyed by As You Wish ?

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