Sunday, May 11, 2014

Bears Crap in the Woods, Should You?

Kevin Coolidge

I love the woods and the outdoors, and I've done my share of hiking and camping. I'm fine with going several days without a shower. I don't mind the bugs or the bears. I'll pack my garbage out, but I never really get used to going to the bathroom.

I don't mean emptying my bladder. That's easy. The world is an urinal if you are male. I mean dropping my pants and taking a crap. Where do you go? Bowels aren't considered a polite subject for conversation, but it's a common problem.

Kathleen Meyers has written an entertaining and informative book on the subject called, How to Shit in the Woods. She covers everything from digging a hole to what to do when digging a hole isn't an option. She covers the toilet paper dilemma. Hint, it's just as important that you know what NOT to use.

There's even an entire chapter for women. There may not be such a thing as penis envy, but it sure is easier to have one sometimes. Ladies, you do not want to pee in your hiking boots. Learn the secrets of avoiding splatters and showers, and what a FUD is.

My definition of civilization involves indoor plumbing, but I do love the outdoors. It's a lot easier to enjoy with a contingency plan.

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