Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Stories Julian Tells

Kevin Coolidge

Julian is quick with a lie, and great at telling stories. He can make people believe just about anything, but some stories lead to a lot of trouble, and trouble is just where Julian is heading, especially, once his father finds out.

There’s the story about the catalog cats. Julian and his brother want to plant a garden. His father says he’ll order a catalog. His brother asks, “What’s a catalog?”

“A catalog is where cats come from. It’s a big book full of pictures of hundreds and hundreds of cats…”

Ann Cameron shows us in The Stories Julian Tells and the sequel More Stories Julian Tells just how Julian’s curiosity and imagination can get him in a whole heap of trouble—such as when he convinces his brother to taste a pudding made for their mother.

These books carry a great message for young readers ages 6 to 9. You can be a quick thinker, but not always quick enough to avoid trouble. The underlying message is that though stories are creative. Lies get you into more trouble. A few little words gets Julian into big trouble again and again…

Ann Cameron has worked in publishing and as a teacher. She’s written a number of books about a small boy named Julian and his brother Huey, as well other stories for young readers.

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